Artist List:
Click on the names to copy them to the clipboard for use in an AI.
Click the star next to an artist's name to favorite or unfavorite them.
Use the sort buttons to organize the list alphabetically or by post count.
Toggle the filter button to show only your favorited artists.
Random Generator:
This tool generates combos of characters.
It allows you to save them in the saved combos tab.
Toggle format changes the format of the output.
Favorites only allows you to use only your favorited artists
from the Artist list.
Saved Combos:
This allows you to add, edit, and copy to clipboard
any artist combo you'd like.
You can also delete them.
Some of the base saved combos have come from here.
Thanks to Shamesoot for contributing!
Tag Collections:
Add your own tag presets.
Create folders to contain presets(called groups) of tags.
You can add folders and tags to the base list.
If you click the plus sign next to the list then you will create a folder or tag in that folder.
Clicking the circle edits the tag group or folder.
Clicking the X deletes a folder or tag group.
Click the name of the preset to copy the tag to the clipboard.
Paste it into NovelAI.
This will allow you to save entire prompts, character designs, quality tags, and various other fun stuff.